Tuesday, August 7, 2012

1-1= 11

One year minus one month....ELEVEN months!  Oh how I wish you would go backwards, I can't believe you'll be one whole year old in a month!  This time last year I was fat and miserable, haha!  And little did I know you would make your early appearance after a TERRIBLE August full of car wrecks and pre-term labor. I am so grateful every single day that you arrived so tiny, but healthy and thriving!  You burst into our world and filled our hearts so full of love and joy. I can't imagine these last 11 months without you.

Here is some of what you are up to...

  • You are about 24 pounds (76th %ile) and 30.5 inches tall (86th %ile)
  • You wear size 18 months clothes.  You outgrew the length in 12 months about a week ago. So sad.
  • You wear a size 4 diaper
  • You still only have 6 teeth. I keep waiting for the next ones to come in, but nothing yet. :)
  • You are WALKING!!!!  You took your first steps on July 18, and about two weeks later you were walking 7-10 steps.  Now you are walking like a pro.  You always try walking before crawling and as long as you're not wearing shoes, you can go across the room.
  • You eat three good meals a day. You will pretty much eat anything, but your FAVORITE are berries.  You could live off raspberries and blueberries.
  • You are drinking a few ounces of whole milk a day now.  I thought the transition would be rough, so I decided to try you on milk with breakfast and snack time to get you used to it. I have NO idea why I was worried. You drink your 2-3 ounces right down and burp and hand the cup to me for more.  I'm glad you like milk like momma.  :)
  • You love sleeping. You go to bed around 8 pm and wake up around 7-8 am.  You will have an early wake up call when you have to go back to Honey's.  :)  You are taking 1-2 good naps a day, depending on our schedule.
  • Your new words this month are uh-oh, Ca-ca (Cara), Caaaaa (Kota), truck and you will repeat a lot of what we say without meaning it.  When Dakota leaves you go to her door and call for her. It's precious.  You love your sister and she is SO good with you!
  • You had your first plane ride this month!  You flew to Phoenix with mommy to visit Deanna, Connor, Jen, and Trinity and to go to Connor's first birthday party (pictures below).  You did pretty good on the plane.  Everyone around us was very impressed and you flirted with the flight attendants.
  • You are SO happy!  You laugh and smile all the time and it's infectious!
  • You have separation anxiety from momma. Which is not going to be fun in two weeks when I go back to work.  If you can't see me, you freak out.  We are working on helping you realize I am still here and I won't leave you. :)
  • Your absolute FAVORITE time of day is when Daddy is home!  You squeal and try to run to the door when you hear the key in the lock.  You love to play chase and wear Daddy's hat.  You are definitely Daddy's little mini-me. You think Daddy is the coolest thing since iPhones. :)
  • You love to watch Giggle Bellies on the iPhone (thanks Jen, ha!).  You cry when it's over.  You snuggle with momma in the mornings after your bottle and watch Giggle Bellies. :)
  • Your favorite toys are cars and trucks.  You love to make them go and put your pacis and blocks in the back of your dump trucks.

You were trying to love on Trinity.  Connor was sad apparently. :)

Connor's momma and I put you in the same pajamas without realizing it! You guys were so freaking cute!  You loved playing with Connor.

Deanna and Connor, Jen and Trinity, Lawson and momma

You tried out Trinity's smart trike

 Your first taste of popsicle.  It was kiwi and despite the face you really did like it. :)

Bath time with Trinity and Connor!  :)

Looking at the ducks with momma

 Playing in a bucket.  Buckets and boxes are your favorite toys!

 Some of your one year pictures are below.  It was your first taste of cake. You LOVED it, but it was so funny watching you eat it. You thought you would get in trouble, so you ate it fast and you were so quiet and serious.

You are so hilarious to watch and you learn something new every day.  Daddy and I crack up at you all the time!  You are so sweet and so fun and I canNOT believe that the next month blog post I write will be at ONE year old!  It's crazy how fast time has flown.  I have so enjoyed my summer with you and I will never forget seeing your first steps and all of your smiles this summer.  I am so sad to leave you in a few weeks, but I know you will have so much fun with your friends at Honey's.
Happy ELEVEN months sweet baby.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

10 months

 Lawson, you are TEN months old! 

Here is some of what you are up to at 10 months old.
  • You are 22 pounds, which is the 60th percentile (you were only 28th last month!)
  • You are 30 inches tall, which is the 85th percentile
  • Your head is (finally) in the 50th percentile! 
  • You wear size 12 month clothes
  • You have 6 teeth (no new ones since last month)
  • You are a great eater, as evidenced by your jump in growth from last month!  You don't miss a meal (or even a snack), that's for sure! :)
  • You sleep from 8 pm-6am (sometimes 7!) and you take 2 naps a day.  You went on a nap strike for a week this month, but now you are back on track.
  • You are STANDING on your own all the time now!  You are still a little wobbly, but you are great at balancing, and you don't even need to pull up anymore, you can go from squatting to standing all on your own!
  • You are such a happy little boy!  You smile at us all the time and your favorite game is chase!  You think the word no is funny- which is not looking good for us for future years. :-/
  • You say dada, mama, uh-oh, and up.  Uh-oh is probably one of the funniest.  You like to "drop" things so you can say it. That game got old quickly, ha!  If you don't want to go to sleep, you will throw all of your pacis out of your crib and say "uh-oh" after each one. ha!
  • Your favorite time of day is when Daddy gets home. You squeal and speed crawl to him!  Your eyes light up just hearing the key in the lock, haha!
  • You are so sweet and occasionally you will cuddle.  I love Lawson snuggles.
  • You will be 1 in TWO months.  Holy cow!  Where has the time gone!  I can't believe it.  I'm in denial for sure.

These next few pictures are hilarious.  We let you play in your diaper bag because you like to put things in and out of it, and there's nothing in there that can hurt you. Well, after about  5 seconds of you being REALLY quiet in your diaper bag, we found you with the can of formula flipped over and you were shoving the powder in your mouth by the fistful.  GROSS!  Haha!  In hindsight it was funny, and of course being the great mom I am, I took pictures. ;)

Your first Fourth of July.

Sitting in the big kid chair playing Legos at Carters.

Mommy caught you "reading" in your room. So sweet.

Your happy little self having a screaming contest with Daddy.  :)

I can't believe how much you've grown!  I love watching you grow up, but it is definitely bittersweet.  Can't wait to see what you will learn next month!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

9 Months

Lawson, you are NINE months old!

Here is what you are up to:
  • You are 19.1 pounds (27th percentile) and 28.5 inches long (60th percentile). Your little head is17.25 inches around, which is the 13th percentile.
  • You wear size 9-12 months or 12 months clothes in anything that's one piece (onesies, rompers, sleepers).  If it's pants and a shirt, you can still wear smaller sizes.
  • You still fit in a size 3 disposable diaper, but you don't wear them often.  We love cloth diapers. :)
  • You have FIVE teeth, and a sixth on it's way in.  We hate teething around here.
  • You are spider crawling everywhere, pulling up on anything and everything, and cruising EVERYWHERE!  You hardly ever sit still.  You took a couple unassisted steps last week, but I think it was a fluke and you probably don't even know you did it. You were trying to get from your toy to the chair and got lucky, ha!
  • You are a great eater!  You had to take a steroid for your allergic reaction, and that made you eat SO much, but now your eating is back to normal. You eat mostly table food with some purees mixed in, and you eat 3 meals a day.
  • Since starting cloth diapering, you are an AWESOME sleeper.  You go to sleep anywhere between 6:30 and 8 depending on your mood, and you don't wake up until 7 or later.  Momma is loving your new summer schedule. :)  You don't have any wake ups anymore either, when you used to have one or two for the paci.  You put them in during your sleep and don't wake up for it anymore.
  • You say mama, dada, and repeat lots of things we say without meaning it.  You will sometimes say night-night and bite.  We are working on up and down.
  • You LOVE to give kisses, and you're starting to like snuggling again too when you're settled down enough.  It's so sweet.
  •  You have your own little personality, and you are so fun!  I call you a little steamboat because as soon as you wake up you are off and running with no stopping you!  You are a little ball of energy.
  • You like to tell us when you don't like something now.  You have learned the word "no" quickly, and you listen when we tell you no (for now, ha!), but you scream at us to let us know you don't like it.  After talking with some other moms with babies the same age, I have concluded that it's normal, thank goodness.  Apparently at 9 months you think you are a grown up, and you don't like hearing otherwise, ha!
  • You are generally so happy except for an occasional fit.  When you are grumpy, we know it's time for a nap!
  • Speaking of naps, Momma is afraid you are transitioning to only one day time nap.  YIKES!  If you weren't sleeping so well at night, I would be more concerned.  I'm not ready for it though, ha!
 You were not happy that Momma and Daddy wanted you to sit still for a picture.  :)

 Always finding something to get into. :)

 "Helping" with laundry

 You were supposed to be napping...instead you were playing with your humidifier.  Busy bee.
 Before and after of your food tray during the time you were taking the steroid. You ate EVERYTHING in sight, haha!  It was pretty funny to watch.

 Playing with your kitchen. You  like to play with your big kid toys now. :)

Totally random, but this is a teething chart I got from a friend.  It's just interesting to me.  Every baby is different, so obviously it's all relative, but I just think it's so funny that you have gotten each tooth so far at the very beginning of the monthly window.  Your top lateral incisors came in/are coming in now, and you just turned 9 months.  Hopefully this is an indicator of when to expect teeth to come in for the future, and hopefully it means we will be done with teething early. :)

Playing with Daddy's shoes...

 Showing off your teeth!

 Happy boy

 This is how you go to sleep. With at least 3 pacis.  You find them in your sleep and put them in so that you don't cry.  Sometimes they get lost or fall out of your crib, so we put extra in there just in case.  :)

 Teething on the couch. With a bump on your head. You are ALL boy and bump into everything.  We try to baby proof everything, but you are good at finding things to run into, ha!

Showing us that you were unhappy. I think you had tried to bite my toes here and I told you "no."  You don't like to be told no. hahaha!

Lawson, you are such a cute, sweet, loveable little man, and we can't believe how big you are getting!  You are practically a big boy now!  We can't wait to see what you will learn next.